Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 500th post

Thought I'd take a quick break to mark the 500th post on Badgercentric. When I started this 13 months ago it was an outlet for my stream of consciousness thoughts on the Badgers, Packers, Brewers, The Office, movies, books, and other things.

Also, it was supposed to save a lot of small talk when meeting up with friends and family. "Well, did you read on my blog? ..." I start conversations, after which most people roll their eyes and say "No, not lately, sorry." Talk about awkward.

Now it's almost all Badgers, all the time, and though things aren't sunny in our world right now, things have been worse, and I'm optimistic they'll get better. It's been fun sharing thoughts with old friends, and making new ones.

Thanks for reading, here's to another 500 posts.


ruffian96 said...


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Scott. Love, Mom and Dad